Alumni Hall of Fame

We recognise your success

The CBE Alumni Hall of Fame Awards recognise the achievements of our alumni. Held every two years, the awards are an opportunity to acknowledge the accomplishments of our alumni who have made significant societal impacts.

In 2019, we announced recipients in two categories:

»    Distinguished Alumni award 

This award is the most prestigious award by the College to a member of the CBE alumni community. Nominees for this category must be recognised as alumni of CBE, have completed a postgraduate or undergraduate degree at the University, and demonstrated significant contributions and support to developing the College and its future students.

»    Young Alumni award 

This award is presented to outstanding individuals 35 years of age or younger. Nominees for this category must be recognised as alumni of CBE and have completed a postgraduate or undergraduate degree at the University. They must be actively engaged with CBE and demonstrate continued support to the College and its future students.

Please forward any enquiries to

Nominations for the CBE Alumni Hall of Fame Awards 2021 are currently being considered.



Award recipients


Ms Winnie Chua

Bachelor of Actuarial Studies 2009

“My life goal is to utilise both my professional and personal/artistic skill sets in a purposeful manner. I truly believe that grit and passion are key to overcoming any challenge, and in the concept of paying it forward. My career objective is to succeed in an environment that stretches my potential and promotes continuous growth and development, thus allowing me to create value to the organisation and more crucially to enrich lives in the wider community.

Ms Gemma Preston

Bachelor of Commerce 2006

“Just because you haven’t done it before, doesn’t mean you can’t. Anything is possible with the right mindset, courage, determination and a willingness to learn. This means your path won’t always be comfortable, but feeling uncomfortable shows that you are learning, growing and always challenging yourself to be better. So, get comfortable being uncomfortable! Go the extra mile.”


Dr Steven Kennedy PSM

PhD in Economics 2002, Master of Economics 1997

“The questions are always more important than the answers.”

— Sir Ernest Shackleton

Mr John McNiven

Bachelor of Laws 1982, Bachelor of Economics (Honours) 1980

“Integrity – this goes without saying!

Passion – be fully engaged and totally committed.

Determination – never be put off by the naysayers! Do your homework, determine your result and don’t stop until you get the result.

Innovation and Problem Solving – rather than selling a product, understand the client and any market shortcomings, and provide a solution. It’s much more rewarding and much more effective.

Team – it’s critical to build and be part of an effective team where everyone knows their role and each member is valued.”

Ms Rhonda L. Ryan

Bachelor of Economics 1990, Bachelor of Asian Studies 1990

“First and foremost, look after your clients and your team. 

Take advantage of every opportunity offered and step up to do whatever is required.”

Dr John C. Mitchell OAM

Honorary Doctor of the University 2017, Bachelor of Arts 1982

“Do your best.

Go the extra mile.

The only place success comes before work, is S before W in the dictionary.”

Dr Heather Smith PSM

PhD in Economics 1994, Master of Economics 1990

“All through my career I’ve had a philosophy of looking outward for ideas and collaborating across boundaries to make change, and achieve impact. I strongly believe in the importance of investing in institutions to ensure they are better when I depart. I am passionate about diversity and inclusion in the workplace because we are all the better for it.”