Jak Carty

Jak Carty

Image: CBE 

Bachelor of Economics 2018, Bachelor of Finance (Honours) (2019)

Jak Carty is an Analyst in Portfolio Management at Dimensional Fund Advisors. Jak’s career interest in the investment industry was motivated by the ANU Student Managed Fund (SMF) as well as encouraged by his supervisors Dr Anna Von Reibnitz and A/Prof Geoff Warren. He graduated from CBE with degrees in Economics and Finance (Honours); believing that they cultivated his ability to learn and engage with others and introduced him to people he considers mentors and leaders in best practice.

Jak’s career reflections: 

Tell us about your current role and what a day in the life of a graduate at your firm looks like. 

My focus relates to ESG, Corporate Governance and Portfolio Construction/Implementation. The role engages with originality, and the honest appraisal and pursuit of ideas. 

What should current CBE students need to do in preparation to pursue a thriving career in investment?  

The starting point is curiosity and wanting to understand and engage with others to judge the quality of an idea. Secondly, try to identify beliefs that are important to you, and those you want to pursue. It is also important to engage with those that provide reasons not to support you. A lot can be learnt from self-reflection, and you can do well not despite of, but because of the pessimism of others. It’s important to define your own path and own character. 

What are your three top tips to stand out in the graduate recruitment process? 

  • Demonstrate curiosity and respect the time that others give you 
  • Define a roadmap to where you want to go 
  • Understand and develop what makes you unique; this is your hallmark and what you should emphasise.