Cheryl Jin

Cheryl Jin

Master of Project Management (2016)

Cheryl is a Business Analyst for Digital Data and Technology Solutions in the ACT Government. She is responsible for conducting business analysis, documenting business requirements and project artefacts and leading stakeholder engagement activities. Prior to this role, Cheryl held several project management positions in different ACT Government agencies.

Cheryl completed a Master of Project Management at The Australian National University and a Bachelor of Communications at the University of Canberra.

4 March 2022

How are you utilising your Master of Project Management skills and knowledge in your current role?

My current role requires me to work in a multi-disciplinary project team. Having project management knowledge and skills enables me to efficiently coordinate and plan projects and associated tasks. I have a good understanding of the project lifecycle, which empowers me to make sound judgements in terms of whether to use Agile or Waterfall methodologies – depending on the nature of the project. My Masters also equipped me with efficient time management, communication, and stakeholder engagement skills.

Throughout my career, I have always been interested in assisting businesses to improve their processes, systems and technology, so that they can achieve greater outputs and outcomes. I have honed my ability to analyse and evaluate evidence to inform decision-making – creating opportunities and novel solutions to organisational challenges – and apply specialised knowledge and skills in the area of project management.

What is your advice to students who would like to explore career opportunities with the ACT Government?

  • Find out what interests you and give it a go. 
  • Reach out to people who are currently working, or used to work in, the ACT Government. They might be able to share their experiences with you.
  • Check out the ACT Graduate Program – it offers three rotations across different Directorates/Departments and agencies. The program will provide you with the foundations and networks to kick-start your career with the ACT Public Service.

How can students best showcase their internship or other work experience in job applications and interviews?

Be prepared, do some research and have a good understanding of the organisation that you want to work with. Focus on relevant skills and abilities rather than the exact tasks or experiences. It’s nice to have relevant experience but that’s not always the case, especially for people who are fresh out of university. My advice is to still go for roles that you feel you lack experience in. Demonstrate your abilities with confidence to your potential employer. Additionally, highlight the soft skills you have, such as effective communication skills, adaptability, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These are all transferable attributes and they are more likely to resonate across multiple businesses and industries.

As for interview tips, I would say be authentic. Show your potential employer the real you and your value. Be on time, be polite and dress professionally for your interview