Mingjun Sun

Mingjun Sun

Image: Mingjun Sun 

Master of Finance (2019)

Mingjun Sun is currently working within the global market department of Nanyang Commercial Bank in China. She completed her Master of Finance at ANU and her Bachelor of Economics Statistics at Xiamen University (XMU). 

During her studies, she joined China Merchant Fund as a summer analyst to explore her strong interest in the investment industry. During this internship, she received training and undertook over 50 research reports. She also liaised with external security firms, arranged their roadshows and delivered summaries to fund managers.  Before graduating, Mingjun worked as an intern in the investment banking division of China’s CITIC bank and was heavily involved in its ABN-issuing projects. She also worked part-time within the financial marketing division at Xiamen Bank, as well as the consultant division of China-Connex in Canberra. 

Mingjun’s career advice for current students  

What is your advice for students who are looking for internships with banks? 

Relax and do the best you can. Remember to pay attention to the internship description. Researching information about people working within the same industry and organisation websites can be helpful. I wrote down possible questions and answers and studied them before the interview, which helped to ease my nerves and made me feel more confident.  

What can students from CBE partner universities best utilise their opportunities while studying at ANU?

I think the CBE Internship Program was a great opportunity for me. I suggest looking beyond the standard courses that you have already learned in ANU and elsewhere and complete an internship. Through the program, you can experience the Australian workplace culture –it will help you think about what kind of job you would prefer and which country you would like to work in.

Some tips for students preparing for job interviews?

Do mock interviews with your friends or even apply for some companies you are not particularly interested in for practice. Collect as much information as possible from contacts or the company’s website beforehand. Read the job description carefully and assess whether you think you are right for the job before convincing the interviewer. If the job description is not clear, be yourself and let the interviewer determine which position may suit you best.