Saurabh Pratap

Saurabh Pratap

Master of Business Administration (2016)

Saurabh is an experienced business professional, who focuses on enterprise solutions, business management, consulting, product management and strategic marketing in a high-tech B2B environment.
With almost 10 years’ experience with Honeywell – a Fortune 100 company that address technological macro trends in safety, security and energy. Saurabh has been wearing multiple hats across various functions and geographies. His latest adventure is to create and manage their Software Solutions business in the Pacific region. Currently based in the company’s Sydney office, he leads discussions with enterprises on ways to make their businesses more efficient, productive and profitable through the digital age's Internet of Things (IoT) toolsets. 

  1. What are the key professional skills that are highly regarded in your industry?

    The industry as a whole is quite vast and it all depends on the sort of role you are aiming for. I belong to the building technologies industry and cater to life safety and security system requirements of buildings and facilities. Due to its critical nature, it is one of those industries with an almost negligible scope for error. Largely, the main skill from a professional angle is technical aptitude and a logical mind set along with relevant technical trade certifications or degree in core engineering fields like electronics, electrical, mechanical, computer or software engineering. This is the core basic requirement. 

    At a behavioural level, having the right set of analytical skills, a structured thinking process, attention to detail and the ability to enjoy work along with a sense of responsibility, ownership and pride is what we look for in an ideal candidate. 

  2. How can a graduate with international experience best demonstrate their capabilities in the Australian job market?

    As a graduate with international experience myself, I’d say do your homework well. The Australian job market has a lot to offer. Think about what you like, and discover your talents and skills. Use your time at CBE to build upon your strengths and see how you can apply them in the job or industry you’re looking at.
    While academics are very important, equally if not more important are internships and work experience that you undertake during your time at university. At the end of the day, it is all about acquiring the right skills. Don’t shy away from internships and volunteer opportunities. 
    Many companies in the Australian market will have internship or vacation programs. You can look within CBE or ANU for volunteering opportunities. This is one way of demonstrate to your future employers your interests, abilities and most importantly, your passion. 
    Also, don’t cram your resume with everything that you’ve done. Be selective and have points more specific and apt to the position. A single-resume-for-all-jobs approach is the last thing you want. 

    Lastly, network a lot. Talk to employees when companies visit ANU and surround yourself with like-minded people. Take guidance from your teachers – they have given me some good advice – and most importantly, stay active on LinkedIn, where you can establish meaningful connections and conversations with your peers.