Natalie Ho

Natalie Ho

Bachelor of Commerce (2014)

Natalie Ho is a senior commercial analyst at Tiffany & Co in Sydney. Prior to this role, Natalie spent time in London working at Swarovski, the Rugby Football Union, and the Institute of Cancer Research.

Natalie graduated from CBE with a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in accounting and finance, while simultaneously acquiring her professional accounting qualifications with CPA Australia.  

05 AUGUST 2021

When were you most satisfied in your job as a commercial analyst? 

Being able to produce insightful analysis for the business to drive commercial decision-making. Seeing this translate into real life outcomes – and knowing what I do is purposeful and meaningful. 

How can a graduate best handle criticism from a supervisor at work?

Having the right mind set is key. Take every criticism as a constructive criticism aiming to help you and your career grow. To quote Socrates – “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 

The best supervisors for your development are the ones that will challenge you to think outside the box, and not have everything served up to you on a platter.

Click here to read Natalie’s insights on workplace adaptability and customer expectations in the luxury-goods industry amidst COVID-19.