Virtually in the Know - Venture Capital During a Pandemic

Venture Capital During a Pandemic: An Asia Pacific Perspective

COVID-19 has reshaped global commerce, requiring companies to re-prioritise the strategic directions of their businesses in the coming years. While some are concerned by the extent to which the global economic downturn might have an impact on the boom of venture capital (VC), others have expressed their resilience and optimism for the start-up financing landscape. In this session, three venture capitalists with investment experience and portfolios in Australia, Asia and the United States will discuss their perspectives on the key VC trends, opportunities and challenges associated with the survival and thriving of different market sectors.

About our speakers

Rachel Lau, BComm ‘07
Rachel is currently the Co-founder and Managing Partner of RHL Ventures, a multi-family private investment firm that focuses on ASEAN-linked start-ups, as well as small and medium sized companies across Southeast Asia.

Victor Jiang, BComm ‘99
Victor founded Sapien Ventures in 2015, a VC firm dedicated to the fintech, blockchain and online marketplace sectors in the Australian, US and China markets.

Creel Price, BComm ‘92
Creel co-founded Investible, an early stage investment and entrepreneurial development company. Their portfolio of startups exceeds 60 investments and has recently commenced operations in South East Asia.