Dr Heather Smith PSM

Dr Heather Smith PSM
PhD in Economics 1994
Master of Economics 1990
Career highlights
  • Had the opportunity to work with extraordinary people like Professor Ross Garnaut, Emeritus Professor Peter Drysdale, Professor Stuart Harris, and Professor Warwick McKibbin while undertaking a PhD at ANU.
  • Worked with people dedicated to progressing Australia’s interests and furthering Australia’s place in the world at the Office of National Assessments, the Treasury, and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
  • Appointed Australia’s G20 representative (Sherpa) by Prime Minister Tony Abbott in 2013 for Australia’s 2014 Presidency and hosted the G20 Summit in Brisbane – the largest international leaders meeting ever held in Australia. Worked across government and with business and civil society – Australia’s focus on growth, financial stability and reform of global economic institutions saw ‘team Australia’ deliver real economic and social outcomes.
  • Was part of a great group of nine female Secretaries out of 18, following the achievement of gender parity in the Australian Public Service (APS) for Secretaries in 2018.
  • Worked in the APS as Secretary of two great departments of state. This enabled Dr Smith to use the positional authority afforded by these roles to invest in the next generation of public servants to ensure they are open to ideas, inclusive in their engagement and respectful of diversity.
Career philosophy

“All through my career I’ve had a philosophy of looking outward for ideas and collaborating across boundaries to make change, and achieve impact. I strongly believe in the importance of investing in institutions to ensure they are better when I depart. I am passionate about diversity and inclusion in the workplace because we are all the better for it.”