Alumni Hall of Fame

We recognise your success

The CBE Alumni Hall of Fame Awards recognise the achievements of our alumni. Held every two years, the awards are an opportunity to acknowledge the accomplishments of our alumni who have made significant societal impacts.

In 2019, we announced recipients in two categories:

»    Distinguished Alumni award 

This award is the most prestigious award by the College to a member of the CBE alumni community. Nominees for this category must be recognised as alumni of CBE, have completed a postgraduate or undergraduate degree at the University, and demonstrated significant contributions and support to developing the College and its future students.

»    Young Alumni award 

This award is presented to outstanding individuals 35 years of age or younger. Nominees for this category must be recognised as alumni of CBE and have completed a postgraduate or undergraduate degree at the University. They must be actively engaged with CBE and demonstrate continued support to the College and its future students.

Please forward any enquiries to

Nominations for the CBE Alumni Hall of Fame Awards 2021 are currently being considered.



Award recipients

Glenys Anne Beauchamp PSM

Bachelor of Economics 1977

"I encourage people to jump in the deep end - it's a great way to learn and think about what you can offer both the job and those you work with."

Christopher Paul De Cure OAM

Bachelor of Economics ANU 1979

"Keep an open mind about the direction of your career. A degree can open doors but you should not let it shut others. If you are passionate about what you do, success will follow"

Christopher Findlay

Master of Economics ANU 1977, PhD ANU 1982

"Working in international teams on questions about Australia and its region of the world is a rewarding way to make a difference"

Stuart Anthony Hamilton, AO

Bachelor of Economics ANU 1980

"Try not to become a [person] of success but a [person] of value" (Albert Einstein)

Paul William Miller

Master of Economics ANU 1978, PhD ANU 1982U 1981

The proverb "Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves" is a great recipe for success.

Desmond Francis Nicholls

Master of Science ANU 1965, PhD ANU 1972

"Enjoy what you do. Aim to make a contribution to society while
maintaining an appropriate work-life balance"

Martin Lee Parkinson PSM

Master of Economics ANU 1982

To paraphrase Gandhi, "Be the change you wish to see"

Abul Rizvi PSM

Bachelor of Economics ANU 1979, Graduate Diploma 1982

John Anthony Ryan PSM

Graduate Diploma of Economics ANU 1979, Master of Economics ANU 1981

"Choose your travelling companions well and always look forward" 

The Hon. Alexander Somlyay

Bachelor of Economics ANU 1975

"In politics, people do not demand to get their own way, but they do demand the right to get a fair hearing."