Alumni Hall of Fame

We recognise your success

The CBE Alumni Hall of Fame Awards recognise the achievements of our alumni. Held every two years, the awards are an opportunity to acknowledge the accomplishments of our alumni who have made significant societal impacts.

In 2019, we announced recipients in two categories:

»    Distinguished Alumni award 

This award is the most prestigious award by the College to a member of the CBE alumni community. Nominees for this category must be recognised as alumni of CBE, have completed a postgraduate or undergraduate degree at the University, and demonstrated significant contributions and support to developing the College and its future students.

»    Young Alumni award 

This award is presented to outstanding individuals 35 years of age or younger. Nominees for this category must be recognised as alumni of CBE and have completed a postgraduate or undergraduate degree at the University. They must be actively engaged with CBE and demonstrate continued support to the College and its future students.

Please forward any enquiries to

Nominations for the CBE Alumni Hall of Fame Awards 2021 are currently being considered.



Award recipients

Bruce Bonyhady

Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Arts (Hons) ANU 1981

"Act with integrity, take responsibility, look for challenges, work hard and make a difference. Contribute to better outcomes for people with disabilities and a civil society."

John A Bryant

Bachelor of Commerce ANU 1987

"What I have learned is that working as part of a team to solve a common problem provides more satisfaction than individual performance."

David Anthony Buckingham

Bachelor of Economics (Hons) ANU 1972

"Contribute to achievement of an open and equitable society where everyone achieves their potential and enjoys the peace that flows from acceptance of global responsibilities."

Anthony Geoffrey Hartnell AM

Bachelor of Economics, ANU 1965, Bachelor of Laws (Hons), ANU 1971

"Have a broad exposure to commercial life and do not let power (as in government) take over for its own sake. Have a defensible rationale for all actions."

Sheryle Ann Moon

Master of Management ANU 2004

"JRR Tolkien said "Little by little, one travels far." So it is with a career, doing the right things, the right way and at the right time will progress you to achieve your desired goals."

Alan John Oster

Master of Economics ANU 1981

"Know what you don't know. Be receptive to new ideas but assess them within a rigorous framework. Always ask what might have changed and why."

Mari Elka Pangestu

Bachelor of Economics (Hons) ANU 1979, Master of Economics ANU 1981

"Leadership requires a belief in what is right, the courage to take risks and lead the way to achieve this belief. Leadership also requires humility to admit and correct mistakes, as well as to continuously seek inputs."

George Robert Snow

Bachelor of Economics ANU 1967

"Promote genuine real asset growth by the skilful use of capital, design, management and realistic leadership to the benefit of the private sector, government and the community."

Richard Deane Terrell AO

PhD 1970

"I have enjoyed the opportunity to take on a variety of responsibilities within the Australian National University. Reduced ANU responsibilities have allowed a broader mix of educational activities and continuation of research interests."