David Anthony Buckingham

David Anthony Buckingham
Bachelor of Economics (Hons) ANU 1972
Career highlights
  • Principal Adviser, Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President, Monash University 2010-present
  • Agent-General for Victoria, London (2004 - 2009)
  • Leadership of Australian business campaigns for tax reform, culminating in national acceptance of the GST and associated business tax reforms (1996-2001)
  • Securing mining industry acceptance of indigenous rights and importance of environmental sustainability of its operations (1994-1996)
  • Reforming Australian aviation regulatory administrative and policy systems (1989-1992)
  • Establishment of an international education policy framework within which the legitimacy of marketing Australian education services was accepted (1986-1989)
Career philosophy

"Contribute to achievement of an open and equitable society where everyone achieves their potential and enjoys the peace that flows from acceptance of global responsibilities."