Ash White

Ash White

Bachelor of Finance and Bachelor of Commerce 2020

Ash is an investment analyst at Holon Global Investments. While studying at ANU, he was a member of the ANU Student Managed Fund (SMF), a course that enables students to manage actual money with the purpose of funding scholarships for disadvantaged students. This invaluable experience stimulated his interest to pursue fund management as a career. Prior to joining Holon Global Investments, Ash was an analyst at E&P Financial Group within their wealth management division.

What is a typical day as an investment analyst like? 

As an investment analyst, my primary responsibility is maintaining coverage on select positions in Holon’s Flagship Fund. This includes qualitative research as well as updating valuation forecasts, collectively ensuring that the investment theses remain intact. The other core component of my role is equity research on businesses in the Fund’s investment universe, with the purpose of identifying attractive investment opportunities over a long-term horizon. Areas of key focus include businesses with experienced, innovative management teams and sustainable competitive advantages, supported by long-term, secular tailwinds. 

What are some key attributes of successful leaders in the investment world?

At the preliminary stages of my career, this is a difficult question and one I regularly reflect upon. I don’t believe there to be a single model or prescribed set of attributes that provide an edge to an active manager. In saying that, characteristics that appear consistent across successful leaders in the investment world include being highly motivated, passionate, intelligent – both intellectually and emotionally, having an eagerness to continually learn and self-improve, and approaching life with a balanced perspective. Paramount to that, the ability to bring out the best of each individual within an investment organisation to achieve a common goal or purpose. 

Can you share how your SMF experience prepared you for your career in the fund management industry?

The SMF provided me an opportunity to work alongside like-minded students under the guidance of two highly regarded professionals, Dr Anna von Reibnitz and Associate Professor Geoff Warren. It provided me a deep understanding of fund management operations, while also ingraining high standards and nurturing my soft skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership and self-confidence.