Jennifer Deori

Jennifer Deori

Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2019)

Jennifer is an experienced business development professional. She is currently a Commercialisation Analyst at WearOptimo, the university's first partner innovation company. Her multi-disciplinary background consists of postgraduate degrees in Entrepreneurship and Innovation as well as Development studies, which have taught her the mechanics of businesses within larger social, cultural and political contexts.

Whilst at ANU, Jennifer worked in multiple roles as a Community Coordinator, Residential Advisor, and Digitisation Assistant. Prior to working at the University, she was a Consultant with KPMG India.

Building relationships with colleagues is a challenging task, particularly when you’re new to the company. How did you do it?

My approach consists of three key strategies:

  • Asking questions is a great way to build rapport with workmates. It demonstrates your interest in getting to know people.
  • Being open and honest in communication, but practising mindfulness. For instance, putting your ideas across without disparaging others.
  • Giving things time and being consistent. Building relationships requires time and effort.

Do you have any tips for international students planning to apply for jobs in Australia?

  • Know what type of industry or field you're looking for and do your research as it comes in handy when meeting prospective employers.
  • Leverage networking events within the University and externally. Augment your professional development skills; the CBE Careers team offers some great workshops on interviews, time management and enhancing your employability. 
  • Be proactive! Reach out to employers via LinkedIn or email and be patient with yourself in the process. As someone rightly said, all good things take time. Good luck.