Dr Soon-Yeow Phang

Dr Soon-Yeow Phang

PhD (2016)

Dr Soon-Yeow Phang is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Accounting at Monash Business School. Soon-Yeow obtained his PhD from the ANU College of Business and Economics’ (CBE’s) Research School of Accounting in 2016. Prior to his PhD study, he worked as an auditor with a Big 4 accounting firm and is qualified as a Certified Practising Accountant as well as a Chartered Accountant. His research interests are in the areas of auditor judgment decision making, auditor scepticism, auditor report, and integrated report assurance.

1 OCTOBER 2021

Why did you choose to work in academia rather than in industry?

I worked in audit practice for several years before commencing my PhD. I enjoy research, and now I have more opportunities to engage with accounting practitioners and standard setters in my research projects. I am also passionate to share my knowledge and industry experience with my students in the classroom.   

What are your tips for successful publications in your discipline?

Work on projects that you find passionate and have perseverance throughout the entire publication process. Continue to learn new skills and stay up to date on current research developments. There is no shortcut to successful publications.

What are some things you wish you had known during your PhD that may be helpful in your academic career?

I wish I engaged more with practitioners and regulators during my PhD, to learn more about how to build impact into my project. Universities now focus more on research engagement and impact aside from publications.