Image supplied: Shirley Chen
Master of Accounting 2016
Shirley is an experienced Senior Consultant at PwC Australian Data Analytics team. Currently, she is mainly working on remediation projects related to Australian Workforce and Payroll. With demonstrated history of working in assurance and consulting industry, Shirley is specialised in data transformation, data visualisation, financial reporting, and Microsoft Excel/VBA. Before completing her Master of Accounting in CBE, Shirley worked as a Senior Associate with PwC in Beijing.
Shirley’s responses to questions from CBE students
How do students best prepare themselves to become a management consultant?
This may sound a bit dramatic but truly I think to be a successful consultant in the long run, you need to be capable of caring. You can't help your client if you are not trying to help sincerely. So start practicing how to care and respect a project, or a business.
You worked at PwC in China previously. How did you start your full-time job at PwC Australia following your graduation from CBE?
I tried every possible way to reach out to someone inside and asked them to refer me. So I was hired via an experienced hire program through my network of contact.
How did your CBE experience prepare you for your career?
ANU CBE is a big name by itself. and I still took advantage of everything I could, such as the internship program and the career consultation sessions.
Some career advices for CBE students?
Always working hard and try all possibilities even though they may lead to another dead end. Be humble! But never give up and stay positive :)