Piri Mohanapiriyan

Piri Mohanapiriyan


Bachelor of Actuarial Studies and Bachelor Applied Data Analytics

Piri is in his penultimate year at ANU and is the Vice-President of the ANU Finance Society.

During his degrees, Piri has gained internship experience in the technology, consulting and financial services industries across Sydney and Canberra. Born in Sri Lanka, he grew up on the Gold Coast but will be heading back to Sydney this summer. Piri believes he will likely end up there due to its fast-paced corporate culture, which he enjoys.

What advice would you give to first year students?

Log in to the ATO website occasionally and have a look at your accrued student debt. It has always acted as a reminder for me that there is a cost to university and hence there should be a purpose. University has a lack of daily structure, which allows for great social experiences. It is important to find a balance between social and career building activities, even in your first year at university. Students in their first years should identify their career goals and work backwards to figure out their short-term objectives. The job market is competitive and although completing your degree is an accomplishment, you may receive limited recognition in your chosen industry. Differentiating yourself is key and the earlier you identify what you want out of university, the sooner you can begin your path to success. Remember, don’t learn from your mistakes, learn from others. There are plenty of students in the ANU community, who have succeeded in every industry, that you can reach out to for guidance.

What role did networking play during your studies and eventual job?

Networking is something you read about and hear cool stories on, but in reality, networking rarely produces direct jobs alone. Networks do, however, act as a source of information and help build your soft skills; the same that will be tested in multiple interview rounds during recruitment processes. My networks have identified opportunities that I may have missed and given me advice on how to secure these. Networking is about playing the long game, so be patient and be genuinely passionate when talking with others. It’s also in some sense a numbers game so never dismiss an event as irrelevant – you never know where your interests will lie in a few years.