Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

CBE offers PhD programs across the full range of disciplines within business and economics.

The College’s PhD candidates are required to submit a thesis of no more than 100,000 words. The thesis must be an original work that not only demonstrates the candidate’s ability to undertake world-class research, but that also makes a substantial contribution to the advancement of knowledge in their chosen area of study. Before completing their thesis, PhD candidates are required to complete a selection of graduate-level coursework units, usually during their first year of study, to assist them in completing their dissertation.

Admission requirements, program structure and program duration vary by discipline. You should carefully review all discipline-specific information before applying for entry to a PhD program.

Read more about CBE’s PhD programs.


Accounting PhD candidates become active participants within RSA's vibrant research community.

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Actuarial studies

A PhD in Actuarial Studies equips graduates with expertise in a specialised research topic.

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Business information systems

The Research School of Management has world class researchers supervising a diverse range of topics.

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The PhD program in Economics is addressed to students of the highest academic ambition.

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A PhD in Finance equips graduates with the necessary skills to conduct research in the field of finance.

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International Business

The Research School of Management has world class researchers supervising a diverse range of topics.

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The Research School of Management has world class researchers supervising a diverse range of topics.

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The Research School of Management has world class researchers supervising a diverse range of topics.

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Project Management

The Research School of Management has world class researchers supervising a diverse range of topics.

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The Statistics PhD program draws upon the diverse expertise of academic staff throughout the University.

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