The ANU College of Business and Economics (CBE) conducts world-class research. The College’s academic staff collaborate on research projects with other academic institutions, industry and government. They are at the forefront of global thinking on issues relating to wealth and wellbeing, strong organisations, transformative innovation, and the foundations of academic theory in all of the areas CBE researches.
CBE’s higher degree by research (HDR) programs include the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and the Master of Philosophy (MPhil). The College’s HDR candidates develop strong research skills during their candidacy, and undertake independent research in their chosen field(s) of study under the guidance of some of the world’s brightest minds. Candidates are also immersed in a vibrant and supportive academic community and have access to the University’s well-developed HDR support services.
CBE’s HDR candidates benefit from the highest quality education, reflected in their impressive post-graduation professional achievements. Many of our alumni are leaders in academia, public administration and business.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
PhD candidates undertake quality and impactful research under the supervision of internationally renowned subject matter experts.

Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
MPhil candidates conduct research under the direction of world-leading scholars that can pave the way to subsequent doctoral studies.

Scholarships and fees
CBE offers a range of generous scholarships and stipends to HDR candidates.

Academic and career supports
The College provides a range of well-developed resources to support HDR candidates’ academic, professional and career development.

Job placement
CBE’s HDR graduates have excelled at leading academic institutions, government organisations and industry enterprises around the globe.