Advice from Associate Professor Chung Tran


Associate Professor Chung Tran
Research School of Economics 

How do you identify a promising research topic and stay motivated during your candidature? 

To identify a promising research topic, you will need to:

  • take coursework and bring your research tools and skills close to frontiers of your research fields (i.e., theoretical/empirical/computing) 
  • read recent publications in top journals and recent working papers from leading academics in your research areas. Identify the gaps where you could potentially provide a contribution.  

To stay motivated during your candidature, you should:

  • set up a regular meeting schedule with your supervisors and get feedback on your research
  • attend at least one of your School’s weekly seminars or reading groups per week. Force yourself to ask at least one question per seminar  
  • meet with external seminar speakers and visitors and talk to them about your work-in-progress papers
  • actively seek opportunities to present your research at internal and external seminars, at least two times per year from your second year
  • make a wish list of top national and international conferences in your research areas. Make a plan and submit your papers by their submission deadlines. If your paper is accepted, it’s great. If not, just attend these conferences as a spectator.