CPA Australia

Accreditation requirements - associate membership

Undergraduate degree

To meet the education requirements for Associate Membership with CPA Australia, a student must hold one of the following ANU degrees:

with passes in:

  • BUSN1001 Business Reporting and Analysis

  • BUSN1002 Accounting Processes and Systems

  • BUSN1101 Introduction to Commercial Law or (LAWS1201 Foundations of Australian Law AND LAWS1204 Contracts)

  • ECON1101 Microeconomics 1

  • ECON1102 Macroeconomics 1

  • STAT1008 Quantitative Research Methods 

  • INFS2005 Accounting Information Systems

  • FINM1001 Foundation of Finance

  • BUSN2101 Law of Business Entities OR LAWS2203 Corporations Law

  • BUSN2011 Management Accounting

  • BUSN2015 Company Accounting

  • BUSN3001 Accounting theory

  • BUSN3014 Principles of Taxation Law (OR LAWS2221 Income Tax)

Students have the option of completing BUSN3002 Auditing at university OR in the CPA Program.      

Graduate degree

To meet the education requirements for Associate Membership with CPA Australia, a student must hold one of the following ANU degrees:

  • Master of Accounting

  • Master of Professional Accounting

with passes in:

Students have the option of completing BUSN7054 Auditing and Assurance Services at university OR in the CPA Program.