HDR Committee

The ANU College of Business & Economics HDR Committee reports to the College Head through the CBE Executive Committee.

List of committee members

Associate Professor Steven Wu

Associate Professor
Director of HDR

Gaurav Khemka

Associate Professor
HDR Convenor

Professor Louise Lu

Professor & Convenor of HDR
Co-Director of ANCAAR

Chihyon Lim Meneses

Deputy Manager
HDR and Scholarships & Prizes
CBE Student Services

Paula Pitt

Student Services Officer

Chung Tran

Associate Professor

Roles and responsibilities

  • Guide and monitor the development of HDR education (coursework and supervision) in the College
  • Guide HDR supervision and coursework quality objectives of the College
  • Provide strategic advice to the College Head on HDR issues
  • Consider and comment on matters associated with HDR studies and admission
  • Receive and consider proposals concerning HDR coursework from the Research Schools and the University
  • Advise on rules and regulations relating to HDR education
  • Make recommendations on the award of ANU-wide domestic and international HDR scholarships
  • Make recommendations on the award of HDR prizes
  • Provide advice to the College Head as may be required.


Membership consists of the Associte Dean (Research) ex-officio, and one representative from each Research School, being the HDR Academic Network Convenor or alternate appointment by the Director. Nominated by each Research School's Director.


Three, including the Chair.


Normally at least twice during each semester with additional meetings as required.