Michael D'Ascenzo

Michael D'Ascenzo
Bachelor of Economics ANU 1976
Bachelor of Laws ANU 1978
Career highlights
  • Member of the Foreign Investment Review Board 2013 - present
  • Commissioner, ATO 2005-2012
  • Development of new tax system models and breakthrough strategies built around self-assessment and risk management.  The Joint Committee of Public Accounts (Report 326) described the improvements to self-assessment as making the "tax system fairer and more certain for taxpayers"
  • Development of new business approaches such as the world's first Advanced Pricing Agreement (transfer pricing) and the audit of Australia's top 100 companies
  • Raising the standard of tax technical decisions making within the ATO, and leveraging decisions through precedent support systems, available both internally and to the public
  • Championing excellence in Corporate Governance Processes
Career philosophy

"Make a difference"