Stephen Peter King

Stephen Peter King
Bachelor of Economics (Hons) ANU 1985
Career highlights
  • Professor of Economics, Monash University, 2012-present
  • Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics at Monash University 2009-2011
  • Member of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), 2004-2009
  • Co-founder of economic consulting firm CoRE Research in 2001
  • University Medal in Economics, ANU (1985)
  • Involvement in policy input through government committees such as the Prime Minister's Home Ownership Task Force and through providing advice to the ACCC, IPART, the Productivity Commission, the New Zealand Commerce Commission and the National Competition Council
  • Teaching economics at both undergraduate and graduate level where the input of an economics teacher can be life-changing to the student
Career philosophy

"Pursue excellence in economic policy either through research, commentary or direct input into the policy-making process."