Alan John Oster

Alan John Oster
Master of Economics ANU 1981
Career highlights
  • Responsible for NAB's global views on the economy and financial markets as Group Chief Economist, National Australia Bank Ltd
    1992 - present
  • Delivering the Shann Memorial Lecture (2005)
  • Developing the NAB's Monthly Business Survey (1997)
  • Responsible for NAB's global views on the economy and financial markets as Group Chief Economist, National Australia Bank Ltd(1992 to present)
  • Representing Australia at the OECD in Paris (1988-1991)
  • Working at Federal Treasury in various positions mainly focused in the area of economic forecasting and monetary policy
Career philosophy

"Know what you don't know. Be receptive to new ideas but assess them within a rigorous framework. Always ask what might have changed and why."