Dennis John Trewin, AO

Dennis John Trewin, AO
Bachelor of Economics ANU 1971
Career highlights
  • Chair, Policy and Advocacy Committee, Academy of Social Sciences, Australia 2010-present
  • Council Member, University of Canberra 2011-present
  • Owner, Dennis Trewin Statistical Consulting 2007 - present
  • Trustee, Australian Reward Investment Alliance (2007 - current)
  • Elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences
  • Winner of the 'Society' category in the Bulletin's Smart Australians Awards for making a significant positive contribution to Australian life (2003)
  • Australian Electoral Commissioner (2000 - 2007)
  • Australian Statistician, Australian Bureau of Statistics (2000 - 2007)
  • President, International Statistical Institute (2001 - 2003)
  • Centenary Medal for service as an Australian Statistician (2001)
  • President, Statistical Society of Australia (1987 - 1988)
Career philosophy

"Good quality and trusted official statistics are essential to the effective functioning of Australia as a country."