John Anthony Ryan PSM

John Anthony Ryan PSM
Graduate Diploma of Economics ANU 1979
Master of Economics ANU 1981
Career highlights
  • Executive Director, Cloon Economics, 2008 - present
  • Board member, ANSTO, 2011 - present
  • Board member, Education Investment Fund, 2009 -present
  • Chair, National Research Infrastructure Council, 2009 - present
  • Board member, Carbon Capture and Storage Flagship Program, 2009 - present
  • Public Service Medal, 2007
  • Commissioner, Australian Energy Market Commission, 2008-2009
  • Chair, International Energy Agency Governing Board, 2006-2007
  • Deputy Secretary, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, 2001-2008
  • Head, Canberra Office, Allen Consulting Group 1999-2001
  • Public Service Fellow, 1997-1999 University of London
Career philosophy

"Choose your travelling companions well and always look forward"