Warwick Robert Grigor

Warwick Robert Grigor
Bachelor of Economics ANU 1981
Bachelor of Laws ANU 1985
Career highlights
  • Executive Chairman, Canaccord BGF 2011-present
  • Backed FEC into BGF Equities, a stockbroker specialising in the emerging mining sector 2008
  • Financed a number of gold mines in Australia and Georgia, and provided funding for Australian companies involved in exploration production in many countries
  • Participation in the establishment of the Far East Capital PNG Joint Venture to advise the PNG Government on aspects of corporation and privatisation of Government business
  • Established Far East Capital (FEC) as an active investment bank advising and funding resources based companies as well as technology and manufacturing concerns
  • Named Best Mineral Analyst in Australia by the Register of Australian
    Mining for three years in a row from 1988
Career philosophy

"Whatever job are given to do, make sure you do it to the best of your ability, and look for ways to do it better. In choosing a career path, choose one for which you have a passion. You will never excel if you can't fire your passion."