Peter John Boxall

Peter John Boxall
Master of Economics ANU 1973
Career highlights
  • Chairman, Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of NSW
  • Chairman, Australian Securities and Investments Commission 2008-2011
  • Managing the balance between work and home life: able to spend time with my wife and two daughters and deliver required outcomes at work
  • Successful introduction of accrual budgeting on an output/outcomes basis for the Australian Government, Secretary, Department of Finance and Administration 1997-2002
  • Debunking of the Australian Government's policy of paying compensation to the States upon the privatisation of State Trading Enterprises. Asst Secretary, Dept of Treasury 1990-1992 and 1993-1994
  • Advised on Government fiscal consolidation program and on the inflation target for monetary policy. Chief of Staff to Treasurer,
    The Hon Peter Costello MP 1996
  • The deficit reduction program and sale of the State Bank, to restore South Australia's financial situation. Under Treasurer, South Australia
  • Financial assistance programs in Africa/Middle East. International Monetary Fund 1974-1980
Career philosophy

"My career has evolved. I have followed my intuition and have taken opportunities which appealed to me as intellectually stimulating with the capacity 'to make a difference."