Peter Achterstraat

Peter Achterstraat
Bachelor of Economics (Hons) ANU 1977
Bachelor of Laws ANU 1978
Bachelor of Commerce ANU 1986
Career highlights
  • New South Wales Productivity Commissioner 2018 – current
  • President, Australian Institute of Company Directors (NSW) 2014 – current
  • Chairman Bankstown Airport Ltd
  • Auditor-General NSW (2006 - 2013)
  • Chief Commissioner of State Revenue (1999) for New South Wales
  • Technical Advisor to various African and Asia Pacific tax administrations
  • Appointed Assistant Commissioner with national responsibility for Fringe Benefits Tax (1995)
  • Member, Inaugural Board of Governors, Charles Sturt University (1989)
  • Appointed Deputy Commissioner of Taxation with the Australian Taxation Office (1987)
Career philosophy

"To be humble and live my Christian values."