Paul Chan Tuck Hoong

Paul Chan Tuck Hoong
PhD ANU 1977
Career highlights
  • President, HELP University
  • Co-Founder, HELP International Corporation
  • Setting up MR 25 million HELP Trust Fund and appointed as the first Protector 2005
  • Setting up HELP Institute in 1986 and nurturing it to achieve university college status in 2004
  • Member of National Service Curriculum Development Committee under Ministry of Defence 2004
  • Member of AUQA 2003 onwards
  • Chairman of KLSE Composite Index for the Malaysian Stock Exchange 1988-1998
  • Member of National Economic Consultative Council 1995
  • Member of Panel of Economists advising Prime Minister's Department 1987-1990
  • Project Director of Sector Studies of First Industrial Master Plan 1984-1985
  • Led major population research in ASEAN (funded by Australian-ASEAN Governments and UNFPA) 1978-1984
Career philosophy

"I focus all creative energy to help people succeed in life and to live a life of significance through education. I do this by making appropriate and affordable education available and accessible to them."Co-Founder, HELP International Corporation