Margaret Kelly

Margaret Kelly
Masterof Economics ANU 1970
Career highlights
  • Director, Human Resources Department, IMF
  • Member of task forces that proposed creation of the IMF's Internal Dispute Resolution System and the Ethics Office
  • Chair, Task Force on the Status of Women in the Fund (appointed by the Deputy Managing Director of the IMF)
  • Oversight of Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Centre (PFTAC), Fiji, 1992-1995
  • Chair, Editorial Committee for IMF Staff Papers 1992-1995
  • Member of missions to almost 40 IMF member countries in all areas of the world
  • Member of Reserve Bank team that produced earliest econometric models (RBA1 and RBA2) of the Australian economy
Career philosophy

"Take charge of your own career, be ready to adapt to change and believe in yourself. Have fun along the way!"