John Cameron Tamblyn

John Cameron Tamblyn
Master of Economics ANU 1972
Career highlights
  • Commissioner, Australian Energy Market Commission 2005 - 2010
  • Chairperson, Essential Services Commission, Victoria 2002 - current
  • Regulator - General, Office of the Regulator - General, Victoria 1997-2001
  • Economic Adviser, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission 1993-1997
  • First Assistant Commissioner, Fair Trading and Consumer Protection, Trade Practices Commission 1988-1992
  • Assistant Secretary, Financial Management Improvement Branch, Department of Finance 1987-1988
  • IMP - Adviser to the Seychelles Government 1986-1987
  • Assistant Secretary, Manufacturing, Mining and Energy Branch, Department of Finance 1984-1986
  • Assistant Secretary, Budget Policy Branch, Department of Finance 1983-1984
  • Policy Officer, Department of the Treasury 1970-1979
Career philosophy

"Bring forward thinking, flexibility, consultation and analytical discipline to the development and delivery of public policy in times of continuous change."