Ian Ross Harper

Ian Ross Harper
Master of Economics ANU 1979
PhD ANU 1982
Career highlights
  • Partner, Deloitte Access Economics 2011 - present
  • Director, Access Economics 2009 - 2011
  • Appointment as Dean of Faculty and then Acting Dean & Director of Melbourne Business School 2002-2004
  • Elected Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences on Australia 2000
  • Appointment as a member of the Wallis Inquiry into the Australian Financial System 1996-1997
  • Appointment to the Ian Potter Chair of International Finance at the Melbourne Business School 1993-1998
  • Appointment as Chair of the Metropolitan Hospital Planning Board in Melbourne 1995-1998
  • Appointment to the inaugural Chair of Monetary & Financial Economics at the University of Melbourne (later named for the National Australia Bank) 1988-1993
Career philosophy

"I have tried to mould my career according to my comparative advantage, viz, public speaking. This has led me into a range of academic and public policy advisory roles, as well as regular appearances on conference platforms and in the media. My advice to anyone starting out on a career is to identify then exploit one's comparative advantage as soon as possible and for as long as possible."