Geoffrey Francis Carmody

Geoffrey Francis Carmody
Bachelor of Economics (Hons) ANU 1969
Master of Economics ANU 1976
Career highlights
  • Director, Geoff Carmody & Associates
  • Member of the Business coalition for Tax Reform 1996-2003
  • Executive Officer for the National Commission of Audit 1996
  • Substantial involvement in the development of Fightback! for the then Hewson Opposition, as well as costing/policy advice for Commonwealth oppositions 1989/2001
  • Co-founder and Director, Access Economics Pty Limited 1988 - 2003
  • Longstanding engagement within the Australian tourism industry covering both policy affecting tourism and the measurement of the economic contribution of tourism via Tourism Satellite Accounts 1984-2003
  • Extensive consulting experience across a wide range of policy areas, including taxation, foreign investment, and wages policy 1984-2003
  • Fifteen years with Commonwealth Treasury, covering most policy areas, and including postings representing  Australia at the IMF in Washington and the OECD in Paris 1970-1984
Career philosophy

"Contributing to good economic policy outcomes. Maintaining a reputation for vigorous, credible and independent economic advice. Being prepared to speak out fearlessly and, if necessary, publicly on policy matters. Preserve these traditions of the Westminster System as regards advice to government at a time when this seems to be under attack, if not decline."