Donald Skene Larkin

Donald Skene Larkin
Bachelor of Economics ANU 1966
Career highlights
  • Chairman, AARB Group 2007-present
  • President, Professions Australia 2009-2011
  • CEO, The Australian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy 1999-2008
  • Chairman, Education Foundation
  • Chairman, Harvest Picnic
  • Chairman, Park Plaza Kennayan Limited
  • Chairman (Inaugural) of Turning Point - The Centre of Alcohol and Drug Studies & YSAS
  • Executive Director AHA, SCCI and ACC
  • Management Development Program Director - Staff College, Mt Eliza (3 years)
  • Chief of Staff to Speaker of House of Representatives 1979-1983
Career philosophy

"Perseverance, attitude and passion are the keys to success."