David Christopher Chessell

David Christopher Chessell
Master of Economics ANU 1972
Career highlights
  • Partner & Chairman, Access Capital Advisers
  • Co-founder Access Economics
  • Participation in the development of an innovative investment strategy for Australian superannuation funds and its successful implementation for the benefit of members
  • Involvement in growth of Access Economics since its foundation (1988) and its role in the economic debate in Australia
  • Representing Australia at International Monetary Fund
  • Working in Commonwealth Treasury on a range of domestic and international economic policy issues and economic forecasting 1970-1986
  • Undertaking PhD studies at Yale University
Career philosophy

"Irrespective of your talents and application, your career will pose risks and uncertainties, sometimes with alarming frequency. In managing risk, draw on the most rigorous techniques available. In dealing with uncertainty, think about it, take a deep breath and back your own judgment."