Barbara Spencer

Barbara Spencer
Bachelor of Economics ANU 1967
Career highlights
  • Economic Society Prize for the best essay in second-year Economics, ANU (1964)
  • The United Commercial Traveller’s Association Prize for the top student in third year Economics, ANU (1965)
  • Brander and Spencer (1985), “Export Subsidies and International Market Share Rivalry”, recognised in 2000 as the most cited paper in the Journal of International Economics over the past 30 years
  • Listed by ISAHighlyCited.Com as one of the most highly cited researchers in Economics and Business (2003)
  • President – Canadian Economics Association (2005).  Organised the Programme of the Canadian Economic Association Meeting, Toronto (2004).  Presidential Address, McMaster University (2005)
Career philosophy

"Know what you love to do and keep persevering. Life circumstances may side-track you for a while, but if you continue to work on your ideas and make them accessible to others, your work will eventually be recognised."