Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies & Statistics
Emma has undertaken research in a number of areas, with her interest centred on issues in corporate finance, capital structure, corporate governance and dividend policy.
Emma is Associate Dean (Research) of the College of Business and Economics. She holds a PhD in Finance and a Bachelor of Commerce with First Class Honours in Finance. Before returning to academia, Emma worked for Macquarie Bank and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.
Emma has instructed numerous courses at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She has also supervised over 20 Honours and PhD students in the completion of their research-based dissertations in Finance. In recognition of her significant, long-term commitment to student learning, Emma was awarded a Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.
Emma has undertaken research in a number of areas, with her interest centred on issues in corporate finance, capital structure, corporate governance and dividend policy. She was recently awarded an ARC Discovery grant for the project entitled "The Aging Population, Superannuation and Corporate Dividend Policy", which explores whether investor demand for income shapes how and when companies pay dividends.