Professor Lin Cui

Lin Cui


Research School of Management

Phone number
+61 2 612 56190
Room 1098, Copland Bld (24)
Research areas

International business; Strategic management; Entrepreneurship.


Lin Cui is a Professor of Strategy and International Business at the Research School of Management. Lin’s research interests include international business strategies and business innovation/entrepreneurship. His recent research investigates the impacts of institutional environment, business network and governance structure, and firm resources and strategic leadership on firm strategies and performance. Lin’s work has been funded through major competitive research grant schemes and published in renowned academic journals including Journal of International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of World Business and Organization Studies among other. Lin is a member of ARC College of Experts, and serves on the editorial boards of leading scholarly journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, and others.

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Research publications

Selected publications:

Fan, D., Ma, P., Cui, L., & Yiu, D. 2024. Locking in overseas buyers amid geopolitical conflicts. Journal of Operations Management, DOI: 10.1002/joom.1316.

Ma, P., Cui, L., & Xu, D. 2024. Social comparison inside business groups and strategic change: Evidence from group-affiliated Chinese firms. Journal of Management Studies, DOI: 10.1111/JOMS.13009.

Buckley, P. J., Cui, L., Chen, L., Li, Y., & Choi, Y. 2023. Following their predecessors’ journey? A review of EMNE studies and avenues for interdisciplinary inquiry. Journal of World Business, 58(2): 101422. 

Bharanitharan, D. K., Lowe, K. B., Bahmannia, S., Cui, L., & Chen, Z. X. 2022. A wolf in sheep’s clothing: Exploring the relationship between leader humility and unethical behavior. Journal of Management, 48(7): 2009-2030. 

Chen, L., Wang, M., Cui, L., & Li, S. 2021. Experience base, strategy-by-doing and new product performance. Strategic Management Journal, 42(7): 1379-1398.

Wang, D., Cui, L., Vu, T., & Feng, T. 2020. Political capital and MNE responses to institutional voids: The case of Chinese state-owned enterprises in Africa. Organization Studies,  

Cui, L. & Xu, Y. 2019. Outward FDI and profitability of emerging economy firms: Diversifying from home resource dependence in early stage internationalization. Journal of World Business, 54(4): 372-386.

Hu, H.W., Cui, L., & Aulakh, P. 2019. State capitalism and performance persistence of business group affiliated firms: A comparative study of China and India. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(2): 193-222.

Cui, L., Fan, D., Liu, X., & Li, Y. 2017. Where to seek strategic assets for competitive catch-up? A configurational study of emerging multinational enterprises expanding into foreign strategic factor markets. Organization Studies, 38(8): 1059-1083.

Li, M., Cui, L., & Lu, J. 2014. Varieties in state capitalism: Outward FDI strategies of central and local state-owned enterprises from emerging economy countries. Journal of International Business Studies, 45(8): 980-1004.

Cui, L., Meyer, K. E., & Hu, H. W. 2014. What drives firms’ intent to seek strategic assets by foreign direct investment? A study of emerging economy firms. Journal of World Business, 49(4):488-501.

Cui, L., & Jiang, F. 2012. State ownership effect on firms’ FDI ownership decisions under institutional pressure: A study of Chinese outward investing firms. Journal of International Business Studies, 43(3): 264-284.

Cui, L., & Jiang, F. 2009. FDI entry mode choice of Chinese firms: A strategic behavior perspective. Journal of World Business, 44(4): 434-444.

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Research engagement and outreach

ARC College of Experts (2022-2024)

Associate Editor of Journal of International Management (2020-)

Associate Editor of Emerging Market Review (2023-)

Senior Editor of International Business Review (2021-)

Senior Editor of Management and Organization Review (2016-2021)

Senior Editor of Asia Pacific Journal of Management (2019-2021) 

Editorial board member of Journal of International Business Studies (2018-)

Editorial board member of Journal of Management Studies (2023-)

Editorial board member of Journal of World Business (2022-)


Coursework teaching:

BUSI7033 International Business Strategies

CBEA3066 Global Business Immersion

Research supervision:

My former PhD students currently hold academic appointments in institutions such as Sydney University (Australia), Renmin University (China), Thammasat University (Thailand), Xiamen University (China), University of Northern British Columbia (Canada), and Tianjin University (China).