CBE Award for Excellence in Tutoring


  1. Nominees must be employed in the ANU College of Business and Economics as tutors in casual, sessional, full time or fractional, continuing or fixed term positions, for at least one full semester within the two years immediately preceding the closing date for nominations.
  2. Both individual and team nominations are encouraged.
  3. Previously unsuccessful nominees are eligible for renomination.
  4. Recipients of CBE or VC Awards for Excellence in Tutoring are ineligible for renomination within 3 years after receiving the award.

Selection Criteria

The core element of an application is a written statement in which nominees describe their tutoring or demonstrating experience, and specifically addresses each of the four assessment criteria. The written statement is limited to three A4 pages in total. Where possible, support your claims with evidence, including formal and informal evaluation of your teaching.

1. Approaches to teaching that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn and achieve the desired objectives of a course.

This may include: fostering student development by stimulating curiosity and independence in learning; facilitating the development of students' critical thinking analytical skills and scholarly values; encouraging student involvement through the appropriate use of interactive, collaborative and engaging learning activities;  the use of high-level of communication (e.g. skilled questioning), presentation and interpersonal skills to help students build understanding in either virtual or face to face settings; using strategies to understand and attend to the individual needs of students; collaborating with course convenors in forming coherent strategies to promote student learning and identifying critical learning issues within a course.

2. Participating in the design, planning and or selection of curricula, particularly relating to tutorial or demonstration resources, that facilitate learning.

This may include: demonstrating a deep understanding of the course objectives and expectations of students as communicated by and discussed with the course convenor; developing and/or selecting and presenting coherent and imaginative resources for student engagement and learning; demonstrating up-to-date knowledge and skills in the field of study in the planning, design and or selection of resources and activities for learning; extending course material in tutorials and/or demonstrations to enhance student learning; implementing research-led approaches to learning and teaching.

3.  Approaches to assessment and feedback that foster independent learning.

This may include: helping students to understand how assessment strategies integrate with the course aims and objectives and student learning activities; providing timely, and meaningful feedback to students on their learning; using a variety of assessment and feedback strategies; implementing formative and summative assessments; assisting students in adapting to the assessment requirements and where appropriate recommending how assessment should be adapted to cater for the specific needs of students.

4.  A commitment to evaluating and improving teaching practices

This may include: analysing and appropriately applying feedback received by students; participating in professional development activities focused on developing a greater understanding around teaching and learning; being proactive in the role as an intermediary between the students and the course coordinator in suggesting how the course can be further enhanced.


Nominations can be submitted here. Nominations close 9am Friday 15 November 2024.


In assessing nominations against the four criteria, the assessment panel will take into account:

  • Demonstrated evidence of excellence which is supported through formal and informal evaluation;
  • The degree of creativity, innovation or imagination;
  • The  information contained in the statement submitted by the nominee. 

Application portfolio


Applications are to be submitted to education.cbe@anu.edu.au by: 9am Friday 31 January 2025. 

Application components

1. Application cover sheet
2. Written statement: Synopsis, Overview, Statement addressing assessment criteria (3 pages maximum).  Do not include a contents page