Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies & Statistics
Financial markets; Government and institutions; Empirical asset pricing; Asian capital markets.
Takeshi Yamada is a Professor of Finance. His research spans asset pricing and corporate finance, with a particular interest in Asian financial markets and institutions. Takeshi has explored the role of individual, institutional and foreign investors in the Japanese stock market, and how employees and banks affect corporate behaviour in Japan. He has also studied the various roles played by the government in the Japanese and Chinese private corporate sector, including government ownership, personnel exchange and government subsidies. His research has been funded through schemes run by the Ministry of Education Singapore and Research Grants Committee Hong Kong, among others, and has been published in journals such as Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Review of Corporate Finance Studies and Journal of Business. Takeshi is an elected board member of the Asian Finance Association and serves as Associate Editor of several Asian-based journals including Pacific-Basin Finance Journal and Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies.