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This month, the ANU College of Business and Economics’ (CBE) Research School of Management (RSM) is launching a new webinar series for researchers.
RSM consistently hosts a variety of seminars, workshops and events. Last year, the School organised 27 sessions, which included presentations covering many dimensions in the study of management from academics in New Zealand, Hong Kong, the US and Australia.
The School’s latest offering is in partnership with the School of Management and Governance (SoMG) at UNSW Sydney Business School.
According to Associate Professor Sarbari Bordia, RSM’s Deputy Director of Higher Degree Research (HDR), the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic led to this collaboration.
“In order to continue to give academics more opportunities to hear about good-quality research, often from experts in the field of management, a proposal was put forward by SoMG to jointly host the webinar series,” says Sarbari.
Dr Weiting Zheng, who is a senior lecturer at SoMG and one of the key organisers, believes there are many benefits to gain from this series.
"This joint effort will be a fantastic opportunity for management scholars to strengthen and foster collaborations. Not only will the two Schools access more national and global thought leaders, but this platform may also help seminar speakers receive feedback from a broader audience," she shares.
The online format of the series is welcome due to the accessibility and potential for increased engagement it provides.
“I think it is a fantastic initiative that will boost scholarly exchange between academics from the partnering institutions in what has been challenging times. It will be a wonderful complement to our regular, face-to-face research seminar, with the virtual environment creating connections that would have not been possible otherwise” shares Professor Markus Hoellerer, Deputy Head of School (Research), SoMG.
The first session, open to CBE academics and HDR candidates, will be held on Thursday 14 October and presented by Associate Professor Helena Nguyen from the University of Sydney. She will discuss her research on the impact of leader succession on team silence, and the role of a secure and safe space that leaders create for followers to explore new opportunities in this process.
Helena is an Associate Professor in Work and Organisational Studies and co-director of the Body, Heart and Mind in Business Research Group at the University of Sydney Business School. Her research is multidisciplinary, and her interests include the role of emotions and cognition at work, human performance, work engagement and wellbeing.
In the coming months, more joint sessions will be held between RSM and SoMG. The next webinar is scheduled for Thursday 11 November, which will be hosted by Professor Daphne W. Yiu, Rath, Chair in Strategic Management at the Michael F. Price College of Business, University of Oklahoma.
Find out more and register for In with the new, out with the old: The impact of leader succession on team silence, and the moderating roles of new and former secure-based leadership.
The College is always keen to explore research collaborations with the public and private sector and to reconnect with alumni. Please get in touch if you would like to know more about partnering with us.