Khoi Vu graduated from the ANU College of Business and Economics (CBE) with a Bachelor of Finance in 2013. He has since gone on to work as a research analyst for investment bank J.P. Morgan in Ho Chi Minh City. As a student, Khoi managed to strike a balance between studying, working and socialising, though it was challenging at times.
“I had a part-time job as an academic tutor, employed by CBE and had also assumed the main responsibility for running the ANU Vietnamese Students Association. Juggling between various activities required a lot of planning and could result in a lot of stress. Fortunately, I had help from the lecturers, who always responded to my endless questions, and from my friends who always gave me a hand when I got stuck.”
Having an impact
Khoi was inspired to study finance because of the impact he felt it has on so many aspects of society. His goal was to understand better the mechanisms of the finance sector and contribute towards the development of global financial markets.
“With that goal in mind, I was motivated by the ANU motto: ‘First to learn the nature of things’. CBE stays true to this ideal by offering its students a rigorous syllabus that covers critical aspects, not only of finance and business, but also of the underlying mathematics, statistics and laws that form the foundation of the financial system.”
Growth mindset
Khoi finds his current position at J.P. Morgan demanding but immensely interesting. His main responsibilities include analysing market movements, evaluating the intrinsic value of stocks and advising on investment strategies. He is able to conquer new areas and projects by understanding the value of continuous learning and growth.
For students who want to follow Khoi’s path into the world of finance, he has some advice:
“Never stop learning something new. We live in a vast world that keeps evolving, with new issues arising everyday that challenge our conventional approaches. There will be times that you have to think outside of the box, to challenge the status quo and look for a solution that has not been considered before. It is essential for both students and professionals to keep learning about things beyond their comfort zone. Keep engaging with new concepts, new information and new ways of thinking.”
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