CBE Alumni Hall of Fame 2019

CBE Alumni Hall of Fame 2019

9 minute read

Last week, seven eminent alumni were officially inducted into the ANU College of Business and Economics (CBE) Alumni Hall of Fame at an event held at Pialligo Estate, Canberra.

The awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of the College’s alumni who have made significant societal impacts.

For the first time, the category ‘Young Alumni Award’ was introduced for outstanding alumni 35 years of age or younger. It was awarded alongside the ‘Distinguished Alumni Award’, the College’s most prestigious alumni community award.

Professor Steven Roberts, CBE Dean, provided an opening address, highlighting the importance of increasing effective alumni engagement to the College as well as recent research and education accomplishments in CBE. Following the Dean’s address, Dr Arun Abey AM, 2013 CBE Alumni Hall of Fame inductee and Chair of the College’s External Advisory Board, reflected on his time at ANU, and how it has impacted his career.  

The awards were announced by Associate Professor Emma Schultz (CBE Associate Dean, Research), Professor Julianna Ng (Director of the Research School of Accounting), and Professor Rabee Tourky (Director of the Research School of Economics).

Congratulations to this year’s recipients.

Here are some thoughts from the guest speaker and the 2019 CBE Alumni Hall of Fame recipients.


Dr Arun Abey AM

Dr Arun Abey AM

Guest Speaker

Alumni Hall of Fame Inductee 2013
Chair of CBE External Advisory Board

Everything that I have achieved in my work and life generally has drawn on learnings from the ANU College of Business and Economics; the rigorous teaching, the passion, the focus on knowledge and learning. Not a day has gone past when I haven’t used some of my knowledge which I garnered from this fantastic College and University. I have a profound sense of gratitude towards it.


Ms Winnie Chua

Ms Winnie Chua

Young Alumni Award Recipient

Co-Founder of PolicyStreet
Bachelor of Actuarial Studies, The Australian National University, 2009

This was the place where I discovered that I had a voice. To speak up and have authority, and to create and reinvent myself. This was the place where I extended my knowledge and worldly views. This was also the place where I forged meaningful friendships that will last a lifetime. Honestly, I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it wasn’t for the platform provided by ANU and CBE.


Ms Gemma Preston

Ms Gemma Preston

Young Alumni Award Recipient

Principal Advisor at the Treasury, Australian Federal Government
Bachelor of Commerce, The Australian National University, 2006

Growing up in rural NSW, on a farm, I think it’s fair to say that if you told me as a grade 10 student that one day I’d be sitting in a room at the IMF with Christine Lagarde, and other global policy makers…it would have been statistically a very unlikely eventuality… I think my career experience demonstrates that a degree from the ANU College of Business and Economics provides you with an excellent foundation and broad skill set that leaves you well positioned to pursue future opportunities around the globe. 


Dr Steven Kennedy PSM

Dr Steven Kennedy PSM

Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient

Secretary to the Treasury, Australian Federal Government
PhD in Economics, The Australian National University, 2002
Master of Economics, The Australian National University, 1997

I think it is a wonderful reflection on the ANU to see all the great things that alumni have achieved. Having spent a long time in the public service, I have seen some really strong links between the ANU and the public service. The ANU has had a great impact on my career and there are a number of (CBE Alumni Hall of Fame) recipients who have been very influential in my career.


Mr John McNiven

Mr John McNiven

Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient

Co-Founder and Non-Executive Director, Australian Corporate Bond Company
Bachelor of Laws, The Australian National University, 1982
Bachelor of Economics (Honours), The Australian National University, 1980

From starting my career at Boffins as a barman and the Queanbeyan dog track as a bookmaker's clerk, to being named the “Pioneer of the Global Bond Market”, I have had a privileged career, for which I am most grateful.

My time at ANU was pivotal to my success. I was admitted to ANU, in spite of going to a poorly resourced rural school. It therefore, gives me and my family great pleasure to establish the McNiven Scholarship to provide support for students, in particular, those facing challenges accessing a higher quality education.


Ms Rhonda L. Ryan

Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient

(Rhonda was unable to attend the event but a statement from her was shared with the attendees.)

Partner, Head of European Private Equity, Mercer
Bachelor of Economics, The Australian National University, 1990
Bachelor of Asian Studies, The Australian National University, 1990

I have such fond memories of my time at ANU and will be forever grateful that I went to such a wonderful university. Not only did I receive a world class education, but ANU was also where I met my husband and made some lifelong friends.


Dr John C. Mitchell OAM

Dr John C. Mitchell OAM

Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient

Managing Director of Towong Hill Station Pty Ltd
Honorary Doctor of the University, The Australian National University, 2017
Bachelor of Arts, The Australian National University, 1982

It gives me great pleasure to give back to ANU, which has done so much for me… It gives me great pleasure funding the Fenner School’s sustainability farming pilot project, the John Mitchell Research Fellowship and the John Mitchell Economics Poverty Lab.


Dr Heather Smith PSM

Dr Heather Smith PSM

Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient

Secretary of the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Australian Federal Government
PhD in Economics, The Australian National University, 1994
Master of Economics, The Australian National University, 1990

Apart from marrying my husband…spending time at ANU was probably the most important event of my life. I was privileged to be taught by and work with, I think, the most extraordinary group of economists of my generation…who really instilled in me the power of economics (and) how important it is to drive wellbeing, particularly when we approach it from how we think about markets and institutions.

Photos in the order they appear:
Andrew Taylor
Happyfingers Photography
Joseph Grant Ellis
Jennifer Nagy, Exclusive Images
Australian Corporate Bond Company
Sean Ryan
Stewart Hay, Australian National University
Adam McGrath, H Creations