RSM Seminar Series – A/Prof Vikram Bhakoo

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The role of social intermediaries for combatting modern slavery in supply chains: The case of the Thai seafood crisis

Speaker: A/Prof. Vikram Bhakoo, Associate Professor In Supply Chain Management, University of Melbourne

Date: Thursday 17th of November

Time: 1:30am – 2:30pm

Venue: Zoom


This study investigates the role of social intermediaries such as NGOs and trade unions to combat modern slavery in supply chains. Modern slavery is a complex social problem that arises due to the exclusion of vulnerable workers from current supply chain governance. Based on an in-depth case study of the ‘modern slavery crisis’ in the Thai fishing industry, that posed an imminent and devastating threat of an export ban of Thai seafood to the European Union, we first uncover the cognitive, power, and regulatory boundaries that exist between marginalized workers and supply chain actors. We further investigate several interventions by social intermediaries that attempt to bridge these boundaries through “scaffolding activities” specifically through relational and technological means. Finally, the efficacy of technological tools for mitigating modern slavery will be discussed and policy implications for regulating modern slavery will be tabled.


Dr. Vikram Bhakoo is an Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management in the Department of Management & Marketing at the University of Melbourne, Australia. His research specifically seeks to develop a comprehensive understanding around the institutional and contextual dynamics at play when organizations are embedded in different tiers of the supply chain. He has published his work in a variety of prestigious journals such as the Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management and Journal of Business Ethics amongst others. He is the Associate editor for Journal of Supply Chain Management and International Journal of Logistics Management. In addition, he is also serves on the editorial review boards of Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences and Organizational Research Methods. His research agenda continues to draw support from the Australian Research Council and the University of Melbourne.

This event is free. All ANU staff and students are welcome to attend. For more details about this event or enquiries, email

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