Presenter: Dr. Tine Köhler, Associate Professor in International Management
Institution: University of Melbourne
In this workshop, I put a specific focus on how to write up qualitative work for journal submission. Writing-related issues are among the most pervasive issues reviewers identify in qualitative papers. In fact, many more substantive issues, such as the perceived lack of a theoretical contribution or issues with the execution of the research, are often rooted in shortcomings in the writing-up of the research. Frequently, reviewers bemoan that the authors simply did not provide enough information or not the right kind of information to assess whether a qualitative research project was conducted appropriately or whether the reported findings are well grounded in the data. In this workshop, I provide guidelines for writing up qualitative research to help authors compose papers that are written clearly, engage, tell an interesting story, pose challenging and meaningful questions, communicate transparent, appropriate, and rigorous methods, and present impactful, consequential, and thought-provoking findings.
Presenter Bio
Dr. Tine Köhler’s research focuses on Global Teamwork and Research Methods and Statistics. She is an associate editor of Organizational Research Methods and serves as editorial board member for Journal of Management Studies, Academy of Management Learning and Education (former associate editor), Journal of Management Education, Small Group Research, and the book series Research Methods in Strategy and Management. She further reviews for the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Organization Studies, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and Journal of Organizational Behavior.