CBE Citations for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning


  1. Nominees may be professional staff, academic staff, or sessional staff employed by the ANU College of Business and Economics for at least two full semesters within the two years immediately preceding the closing date for nominations.
  2. Both team and individual nominations are encouraged.
  3. Previously unsuccessful Citation nominees are eligible for renomination.
  4. Recipients of a CBE or VC Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning are ineligible for renomination within 3 years unless they are a member of a team and not the lead applicant, and the team nomination does not substantially replicate the original award.
  5. Recipients of a CBE or VC Award for Teaching Excellence are ineligible to apply for a CBE Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning.

Early Career category

  1. Nominees with no more than 5 years experience teaching in a higher education institution, including tutoring and part time teaching, may apply for an Early Career (EC) Citation. The 5 years can be non-sequential and must be counted on a semester basis.
  2. Nominees for the EC category must have been employed by the ANU College of Business and Economics for at least 1 year immediately preceding the closing date for nominations.

Selection Criteria

The core element of the application is a written statement specifically addressing one assessment criterion, on the extent to which it shows evidence of evaluation, innovation, leadership and scholarship in the written statement that the nominee's contribution has:

  • influenced student learning, student engagement or the overall student experience
  • gained recognition from fellow staff, the institution, and/or the broader community
  • been sustained for a period of no less than three years (one year for early career).

Nominees must select one of the four assessment criteria listed below, and include clear and consistent forms of evidence matched to the criterion addressed above.

The assessment criteria are:

1. Approaches to teaching and the support of learning that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn.

This may include fostering student development by stimulating curiosity and independence in learning; participating in effective and empathetic guidance and advice for students; assisting students from equity and other demographic subgroups to participate and achieve success in their courses; encouraging student engagement through the enthusiasm shown for learning and teaching; inspiring and motivating students through effective communication, presentation and interpersonal skills; enabling others to enhance their approaches to learning and teaching; and developing and/or integrating assessment strategies to enhance student learning.

2. Development of curricula, resources or services that reflect a command of the field.

This may include developing and presenting coherent and imaginative resources for student learning; implementing research-led approaches to learning and teaching; demonstrating up-to- date knowledge of the field of study in the design of the curriculum and the creation of resources for learning; communicating clear objectives and expectations for student learning; providing support to those involved in the development of curricula and resources; and contributing professional expertise to enhance curriculum or resources.

3.  Evaluation practices that bring about improvements in teaching and learning.

Evaluation comprises making judgements about the quality of programs and activities that are part of the academic, cultural and social experience of higher education. This may include showing advanced skills in evaluation and reflective practice; using a variety of evaluation strategies to bring about change; adapting evaluation methods to different contexts and diverse student needs and learning styles; contributing professional expertise to the field of evaluation in order to improve program design and delivery; and the dissemination and embedding of good practice identified through evaluation.

4. Innovation, leadership or scholarship that has influenced and enhanced learning and teaching and/or the student experience.

This may include participating in and contributing to professional activities related to learning and teaching; innovations in service and support for students; coordination, management and leadership of courses and student learning; conducting and publishing research related to teaching; demonstrating leadership through activities that have broad influence on the profession; providing innovative learning and teaching for different contexts, including technology enhanced environments, for large and small class sizes and/or to meet the needs of a diverse student cohort; and influencing the overall academic, social and cultural experience of higher education.

In assessing the evidence supporting Early Career nominations, consideration will be given to the career stage of the nominee.


Nominations can be submitted here. Nominations close 9am Friday 15 November 2024.


In assessing nominations against the four criteria, the assessment panel will take into account:

  • The influence on student learning, student engagement or the overall student experience
  • Recognition gained from fellow staff, the institution, and/or the broader community
  • Evidence provided sustainability of no less than three consecutive years (one year for early career).

Application portfolio


Applications are to be submitted to education.cbe@anu.edu.au by: 9am Friday 31 January 2025.

Application components

Application portfolio


Applications are to be submitted to education.cbe@anu.edu.au by: 9am Friday 31 January 2025. 

Application components

1. Application cover sheet
2. Written statement: Synopsis, Overview, Statement addressing assessment criteria (4 page maximum).  Do not include a contents page 
3. Supporting materials: student evaluations (if available), testimonials from students, website, media files, or teaching material (maximum 5 pages)