Professor Prashant Bordia

Prashant Bordia


Research School of Management

Phone number
+61 2 612 57282
Room 1068, LF Crisp Bld (26)
Research areas

Work & ageing; Wellbeing at work; Employee-organisation relationship.


Prashant Bordia is a Professor of Management. Prashant’s research has involved applying insights from social and organisational psychology to understanding individual behaviour, group processes and organisational practices. Over his career, he has studied rumour, communication and uncertainty management during organisational change, developmental processes in teams and employee-employer psychological contracts. Prashant’s current research interests are in the area of work and ageing, including post-retirement engagement with work, role identity processes in transition to retirement and work stress over the lifespan.  Prashant’s research has been published in leading scholarly journals including the Journal of Applied PsychologyJournal of ManagementOrganizational Behavior & Human Decision ProcessesAcademy of Management JournalHuman Resource ManagementHuman Communication ResearchJournal of Experimental Social PsychologyJournal of Management StudiesJournal of International Business Studies, and Social Psychology Quarterly. Prashant is also the co-author, with Nicholas DiFonzo, of a seminal psychology book titled Rumor Psychology: Social and Organizational Approaches. Prashant’s research has been funded by a number of grants from the Australian Research Council Discovery Program and Linkage Program and funding for a Key Centre in Human Factors and Applied Cognitive Psychology. His research has also been supported by the US National Science Foundation.

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Research grants and awards

Research Awards

2016 Editorial Board Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Journal (Journal of US Academy of Management).

2015 Award for the Best Micro-OB Paper 2014, Group & Organization Management (ABDC rank A)

2014 Editorial Board Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Journal (Journal of US Academy of Management).

2011 Faculty Transnational Research Award, US Academy of Management Meeting (Gender & Diversity in Organizations Division), San Antonio, TX. For: Ng., Y. L., Bordia, P., & Kulik, C. (2011, August). When East Goes West: Attracting Malaysian Chinese in Malaysia and in Australia Using Minority Employees. 

2008 Best Paper Award, US Academy of Management Meeting (Management Education and Development Division), Anaheim, CA. For: Bordia, S. & Bordia, P. (2008, August). Promises from afar: The nature of international student psychological contracts in management education. [US Academy of Management is the #1 management conference in the world. Only 1-2% of the papers receive best paper awards.]

2007 Best Paper Award, US Academy of Management Meeting (Organizational Development & Change Division), Philadelphia, PA. Bordia, P., Restubog, S.L.D., Jimmieson, N., & Irmer, BE. (2007, August). Haunted by the past: Consequences of poor change management history on change attitudes and turnover. [US Academy of Management is the #1 management conference in the world. Only 1-2% of the papers receive best paper awards.] 

2006 ForeWord Magazine Book of Year Award in Psychology, for DiFonzo N. & Bordia, P. (2007). Rumor Psychology: Social & Organizational Approaches. Washington, DC: APA Books. [From ForeWord Magazine's Book of the Year Awards were established to bring increased attention to librarians and booksellers of the literary and graphic achievements of independent publishers and their authors. ForeWord is the only review trade journal devoted exclusively to books from independent houses. Our unique awards process brings readers, librarians, and booksellers together to select their top categories as well as choose the winning titles. Their decisions are based on editorial excellence, professional production, originality of the narrative, author credentials relative to the book, and the value the book adds to its genre.]

2003 University of Queensland Foundation Early Career Research Excellence Award. This is a competitive award based on research performance within the early stages of a career.

2002 Runner-up, Best Paper Award, US Academy of Management Meeting (Organizational Communication & Information Systems Division), Denver, CO. Irmer, B., Bordia, P., & Abusah, D. Evaluation apprehension and perceived benefits in interpersonal and database knowledge sharing. [US Academy of Management is the #1 management conference in the world. Only 1-2% of the papers receive best paper awards.]

2000 Best Paper Award, US Academy of Management Meeting (Organizational Communication & Information Systems Division), Toronto, Canada. Irmer, B., Chang, A., & Bordia, P. The development of social and task cohesion in face-to-face and computer-mediated communication task groups. [US Academy of Management is the #1 management conference in the world. Only 1-2% of the papers receive best paper awards.]

1997 Best Paper Award, Australian I/O Psychology Conference, Melbourne. McIsaac, D., & Bordia, P. Factors influencing women’s career advancement in the banking industry. Best Paper Proceedings of the Second Australian Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference, 119-124.

Research Grants

  1. Bordia, P., Garcia, P.R.J.M., & Amarnani, R. (2020-2024). Older workers & psychological contracts: A dynamic perspective. Australian Research Council –Discovery Project.
  1. Restubog, S. L. D., Bordia, P., & Bordia, S. (2013-2015). Understanding career persistence: Integrating socio-cognitive and psychological contract perspectives. Australian Research Council - Discovery Project.
  1. Jimmieson, N. L., & Bordia, P. (2012-2014). A multi-level approach to the management of demands and resources to minimise the risk of psychosocial injury in the workplace. Australian Research Council – Linkage Project. (Industry partners - Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, WorkSafe Victoria, Safe Work Australia, Comcare, beyondblue & WorkCover NSW).
  1. Bordia, P. (2010-2012). Understanding employer-employee relationships during bridge employment: A psychological contract perspective. Australian Research Council – Discovery Project.
  1. Jimmieson, N. L., & Bordia, P. (2007-2009). The role of supervisors in managing psychosocial risk factors in the workplace: Implications for employee health and organisational effectiveness. Australian Research Council – Linkage Project. (Industry partner - Queensland Department of Employment and Industrial Relations).
  1. Bordia, P., Gallois, C., & DiFonzo, N. (2002-2004). Boomerang effect of rumour denials. Australian Research Council – Discovery Project.
  1. Humphreys, M., Halford, G., Neal, A., Williamson, A., Dawson, W.A., Hartel, C., Dennis, S., & Bordia, P. (2002-2004). Key Centre in Human Factors. Australian Research Council.
  1. Terry, D., Hogg, M., Masser, B., & Bordia, P. (2001-2003). Sustainable natural resource management in rural communities. Australian Research Council SPIRT grant (Strategic Partnership with Industry - Research & Training). 
  1. Humphreys, M., Halford, G., Neal, A., Williamson, A., Dawson, W.A., Hartel, C., Dennis, S., & Bordia, P. (1999-2001). Key Centre in Human Factors. Australian Research Council.
  1. Callan, V., Gallois, C., Jones, E., & Bordia, P. (1998-2000). Employee adjustment to continued organisational change. Australian Research Council SPIRT grant (Strategic Partnership with Industry - Research & Training).

Research engagement and outreach

Prashant Bordia currently serves on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Journal and Journal of Organizational Behavior.

From 2013-2015 he served on the Australian Research Council College of Experts.

Prior Appointments:

Prior to joining ANU (in 2010), Prashant Bordia worked at the University of Queensland (UQ) from 1996-2005. At UQ, he was part of the organisational psychology group and served as program director of the Masters of organisational psychology program. He received the UQ Foundation Early Career Research Award in 2003. He was also a co-CI in the ARC Key Centre in Human Factors and Applied Cognitive Psychology (1999-2004). From 2005-2010, Prashant worked at the School of Management, University of South Australia where he developed a research concentration in human resource management and later the Centre for Human Resource Management. He was a co-director of the Centre from 2007-2010.


Prashant has supervised 9 PhDs, 16 coursework Masters and over 20 Honours students to degree completion. His graduates hold senior academic and industry appointments. He has regularly published with his students.  

Current Teaching:

Theory in Management Research: Process & Content

Other Teaching:

Organisational Behaviour

Management Research Methods

Strategic Human Resource Management