Dr Sarah Adams

Sarah Adams


Research School of Accounting

Senior Lecturer
Phone number
+61 2 612 54857
Room 2032, PAP Moran Bld (21)
Research areas

Accounting for social impact; Performance measurement of cooperatives, mutuals and social enterprises; Accounting, ethics and accountability; Social investment and social finance.


Sarah Adams is a Lecturer of Accounting. Sarah’s research interests include accounting and performance measurement in organisations with non-profit orientations, such as charities, not-for-profits, cooperatives and mutuals. She is also interested in corporate responsibility, accountability, ethics in accounting, and how social purpose organisations account for their 'social impact'.  Sarah’s research on how Australian cooperatives and mutuals understand and measure their 'mutual value’ was funded by the Business Council of Cooperatives and Mutuals. Her work has appeared in journals including Australian Journal of Management.

View ORCID profile


Research grants and awards


2017 – 2019    Mutual Value Measurement (Industry Grant) with Thambar, P., Hall, M., and Millo, Y ; Funder: Business Council of Cooperatives and Mutuals

2014 – 2019    ‘Measuring Outcomes for Impact in the Community Sector in Western Australia’ (Industry Grant) with Flatau P and Zaretsky, K; Funder: Bankwest Foundation 


Best Overall Paper award, A-CSEAR Conference 2016

Centre for Social Impact PhD Scholarship

UNSW PhD Completion Award for Research Excellence 2016

Research engagement and outreach

CPA Liaison

CBE (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access) Committee

Sarah actively volunteers her expertise and is working directly with over 20 Australian cooperatives and mutuals to help them understand their business model, make the most of their offering and position in the marketplace, and communicate their value.


Current Teaching

BUSN3017, Corporate Social Responsibility, Accountability and Reporting

Previous Teaching

BUSN3001, Accounting Theory

BUSN7005, Contemporary Issues in Accounting