Dr Sally Curtis

Sally Curtis


Research School of Management

Phone number
+61 2 612 51107
Room 1077, LF Crisp Bld (26)
Research areas

Social impact; Social enterprise; Institutional change; Workplace gender equity.


Dr Sally Curtis is a Lecturer in the Research School of Management at The Australian National University. She is also a Research Affiliate with the ANU Gender Institute for Women in Leadership and Advisor at the Social Outcomes Lab. Her research examines the change mechanisms involved with tackling social challenges and working towards a more equitable and inclusive society. Central to this work is the notion of change, be it at the individual, organisational and/or societal level. Trained in anthropology, Sally also draws on perspectives from other disciplines including psychology and sociology and enjoys working in multi-disciplinary teams. Sally’s work is often at the nexus between research and management practice, where she creates and translates scientific evidence with, and for, leaders who wish to have a social impact. Sally is a member of the Impact Scholar Community, an international community of impact-driven researchers who aim to take research and the researcher out of academia and into the public.

View ORCID profile

Research grants and awards


Curtis, S. (2022). Scaling social impact: A literature review. Commonwealth Scientific Industry Organisation (CSIRO).

Curtis, S., Ahmed, N. and Glennie, M. (2019-2020). Evaluating the impact of the ABC’s Trailblazer program on social change leaders. Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).

Capezio, A., Curtis, S. and Barends, E. (2019-2020). Improving workplace culture in the ACT Health System. Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Health Directorate.


ANU College of Business and Economics Teaching Commendation for Outstanding Teaching, 2020

People’s Choice Award, ANU College of Business and Economics Three Minute Thesis Competition, 2013.

Research engagement and outreach


Ad-hoc reviewer, Journal of Business Ethics

Member, U.S. Academy of Management (AoM)

Member, European Group for Organisational Studies (EGOS)

Member, Center for Evidence-based Management (CEBMa)

Member, Impact Scholar Community


2020. Organising Committee Member, Social Innovation Conference (SICON), Canberra. A partnership with the ANU Research School of Management, The Social Outcomes Lab and ACT Government aimed at building a vibrant social innovation network in the ACT.

University Service

2023 to 2024. Honours Convenor, ANU Research School of Management.

2021 to 2023. Chair, Research School of Management Gender Equity Committee.

2019 to 2024. Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Committee, ANU College of Business and Economics.

2020 to 2023. ANU Gender Equity Working Group.

2019 to 2020. Executive Committee Member, ANU Research School of Management.

2017 to 2020. Member, Higher Degree Research Committee, ANU Research School of Management.


Course Convenor

MGMT8063 Leading Social Impact

MGMT3102 Business and Society

Other education activities:

College of Business and Economics Internship Program Supervisor

Mentor, Innovation ACT